
Solare is a 650 acre master planned community located in the City of Roseville. Westpark acquired the initial 400 acres in 2011 and immediately went to work on the entitlements submitting an application to the City requesting a General Plan Amendment, Specific Plan Amendment, Development Agreement and Large Lot Tentative Map to create 2,029 residential units (1,340 single-family lots and 689 multi-family units), 43 acres of retail commercial, 15.5 acres of park land, 10 acres for an elementary school, and 37 acres of open space. These entitlements were approved in June 2012. The first small lot tentative map for Solaire was approved in March 2014 and included 547 single-family lots. The 404 permit for Solaire was also issued in July 2014. In 2015 a portion of the land plan was revised to incorporate a 493 unit active adult community. Subsequent Tentative Maps and backbone construction opened up Solaire Phases 1, 2, and 3 for development.
The second acquisition of property that comprised Solaire was acquired in 2019 and contained 250 acres with Specific Plan approval for 783 single family homesites and 172 high density residential units. Development in this portion of Solaire commenced in 2020 with the first land sales occurring that year. At buildout, Solaire will include 2,247 single family homes, more than 800 apartment homes and more than 14 acres of commercial property.
Homebuilders in Solaire include Woodside Homes, D.R. Horton, Lennar Homes, Taylor Morrison, Tri Pointe Homes, and K. Hovnanian Homes, Beazer Homes, and Pulte Home, who selected Solaire as its first new community in the Sacramento region after a nearly 10 year absence from the market.
In addition to being a participating landowner in the plan area, Westpark served as the project manager through an entitlement process that included approvals by the City of Roseville, negotiations with Placer County for the annexation of the property to the City of Roseville, application to the US Army Corps of Engineers for federal wetland permits, management of the preparation of a federal Environmental Impact Statement (EIS), negotiations with the US Fish and Wildlife Service for a biological opinion and incidental take permit to allow the development of the 6,650 units approved for the Sierra Vista Specific Plan area.
- Active Adult, 493 units
- Low Density Residential, 1,085 units
- Medium Density Residential, 669 units
- High Density Residential, 804 units
- Commercial, 14.5 acres
- Elementary School, 10.0 acres
- Parks, 17.4 acres Open Space, 87 acres